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It’s a common misconception, that if you have bad or “adverse” credit, you cannot get a mortgage. This just isn’t true! Getting a NO from a Lender on the high street can put you off and mean you don’t think you can get that dream home or make the improvements to your existing property that you’d hoped. For the majority of people, there will be a Lender out there who can help. We have access to the whole of the market and have a wealth of experience and knowledge on which products are available for all different circumstances.

We can also help you download and understand your Credit Report. Lenders all have different ways of checking your credit. Some will check and others will score, some leave a soft footprint and others a hard footprint, and they will use different agencies to carry out their checks. We are experts in this and can use this information to find the most suitable solution for you.

The fall-out from the Pandemic, as well as the impact of inflation and the rising cost of living, has meant outgoings for most individuals and families have increased, much quicker than wages have. This is a big concern for those with credit issues already, but also for those who haven’t previously struggled to meet their outgoings. This means that the numbers of those with “adverse” credit are unfortunately increasing. You aren’t alone! However, this does mean that Lenders are recognising the need to provide more products in this area, and many are taking a “Real Life” approach to their underwriting.

The recent increases in the base rate by the Bank of England in quick succession (now to 0.75%), could increase your repayments if you are on a tracker mortgage, further increasing your monthly outgoings. Again, this is something we can help with, by looking to find you a cheaper fixed deal.

Yes, there will be some scenarios where lenders can’t help at the moment, but if this is the case, we can at least guide you in the right direction, and advise when we may be able to help in the future, subject to no further credit issues.

If you’ve been struggling to find a solution, get in touch and we will be happy to help